After learning that you need an ACP, your next question will be "how do I appoint an ACP?".

This section focuses on the paperwork and procedures.  Let's look at how you can appoint an ACP and notify to the customs office, and in what scope such appointment is valid, and other steps that you will experience before start shipping to Japan.

Paperwork for Appointing an ACP

Form 7500.  Click to Enlarge.

The following documents and information are required to apply for an ACP.

  • The Customs Form C7500
  • Power of Attorney
  • Incorporation certificate or other official documents that shows the company name, address, telephone number, and representative’s name.
    *IMPORTANT: The documents are valid within 3 months after the issuing date.
  • Import and distribution flow chart
  • Agreement between applicant and ACP

In addition, you need to be able to explain how you set the invoice value, and prove that your calculation complies with Japanese customs law.  For this purpose, it is very important that you understand Japanese standard and customs definition of fair value.  See this page for the details.

Assisting your understanding and calculation is one of the essential roles of ACP service providers.  It will be crucial to find a good partner who can support you with sufficient knowledge and experience.

Who Can Appoint an ACP?  Who Can Be an ACP?

ACP service can be used by any company or individual that has no office or location in Japan.

On the other hand, any company or individual with residency in Japan can act as an ACP.  Therefore, it is possible that you appoint your friend living in Japan to be your ACP, however, it is strongly recommended that you work with professionals with sufficient knowledge and experience.  Otherwise, your shipment may go through with troubles like getting stuck or rejected at the import customs for declaring at inappropriate prices or being unable to properly answer customs’ questions, which may create loss or other damages to your business.

ACP Notification Coverage: 9 Regional Customs

Click to Enlarge the Map

Japan has 9 regional customs areas, and ACP service scope is limited to the region of the customs office you have notified to.  Thus, if you plan to import via multiple airports and seaports in different regions, you will need to submit documents to more than one regional customs office.

ACP service providers can operate and notify to remote customs offices and areas, regardless of the office location.  Please consult with your ACP for which regions that you will need an ACP appointment at.


ACP Appointment Renewal and Termination

Without renewal or extension, ACP appointment remains valid until mutual termination between the applicant and ACP.  You will only need amendment in case of any material change of your company information. (e.g. Company name, company address, contact Tel no., etc.)

Please note that you should only appoint one ACP in one customs region.  You’d better to dismiss them as soon as it is no longer necessary. Neither the applicant nor the ACP can terminate the ACP appointment without acceptance by another party.  For this reason, it is very important to carefully select the ACP service provider that you work with.

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Updates 新着情報

Jun. 27th, 2024
Part of the website is updated subject to the Customs Act Basic Announcement made effective on Oct. 1st, 2023.


Oct. 1st, 2023

Our column page “Customs Specialist Eyes” is updated.


Sept. 1st, 2020

Our column page “Customs Specialist Eyes” is updated.


Sept. 1st, 2020

We’re now on Amazon SPN/Service Provider Network.
当ページ運営会社が、Amazon SPN(サービスプロバイダーネットワーク)に登録されました。

Aug. 23rd, 2020
Our Japanese website is now open.